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Общее производство

The demand for precision measurement in industrial manufacturing automation is mainly reflected in quality control, production efficiency improvement, process optimization, and smart manufacturing. MEAXPERT’s measurement systems offer significant advantages in industrial automation, improving production efficiency, product quality, and reducing costs, while providing strong support for smart manufacturing.

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General manufacturing status

With the advancement of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing, industrial production lines are evolving towards intelligence and digitalization. The manufacturing industry not only requires production efficiency to be improved, but also pays more attention to product accuracy and consistency.

General Manufacturing Metrology Solutions

Pressure On Production Efficiency

As the demand for high-precision parts in the manufacturing industry grows, companies must improve production efficiency. Otherwise, more errors may occur, so higher requirements are placed on precision measuring instruments, which must not only provide accurate measurement results, but also have high-speed measurement capabilities to meet the needs of mass production. The introduction of MXP automated measurement technology makes measuring machines high-speed, accurate and durable.

Precision measurement for general manufacturing

Industry Complexity

The materials used in the manufacturing industry are diverse and their structures are becoming more and more complex. Parts of different materials, shapes and sizes require different measurement methods. Precision measuring instruments must be versatile and able to adapt to different measurement needs, including various metals, plastics, ceramics and composite materials, otherwise errors may occur.

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MXP’s General Manufacturing Measurement Solutions

Измерительная машина серии URANUS 2D с полностью автоматическим визированием

Измерительная система Vision

Серия MEAXPERT SATURN имеет высокую грузоподъемность и большой ход, и способна измерять большие заготовки. В него можно добавить измерительный лазер для измерения заготовок с трехмерными размерами, что позволяет эффективно повысить эффективность.

Смотреть далее

Application of MXP precision measurement solutions in General Manufacturing

Precision measurement technology plays a vital role in improving production efficiency, ensuring product quality and promoting the development of manufacturing. Its application in industrial automation is extensive and far-reaching, which is specifically reflected in the following aspects:

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